

XKL continues to deliver and expand its family of optical transport solutions for private/public cloud solutions, data center networks, internet exchanges, campus/metro networks, broadband ISP, and long-haul networks.  Our clientele is global, and we recognize the need to adapt to various market, regulatory, and licensing conditions and to meet the broader telecommunication audience needs. 

Our team members work closely with our customers to help identify customer pain points, create compelling customer solutions, and develop use cases. Our goal will be to deliver an XKL optical networking solution that achieves network independence, greater reliability, enhanced transmission speed, and better value.

Our Mission

We have set ourselves an aggressive mission: to identify problems in emerging network infrastructure even before these obstacles become evident to the Internet community. With this forward-looking approach, XKL provides the solutions necessary for the future growth and development of the communications industry.

XKL’s technical staff are experts in their fields. Pushing the limits of technology, tools, and components, we rewrite rules and test the unproven. We take the time to develop innovative solutions to problems that were thought to be intractable.

Our product development emphasizes architecture, not component technology. We focus on engineering for the most complex networks ever deployed. The goal is to provide more automated, more dynamically responsive approaches for network traffic management than current techniques.