
Webscale networking for the cloud era

  • Nokia helps customers to scale, automate and secure their networks with next generation data center switching, IP routing and interconnection, optical transport, advanced automation, and intelligent analytics and security.
  • Our data center switching solution includes Nokia SR-Linux, an open, extensible and consumable data center NOS, and an intent-based NetOps toolkit to automate data center network fabric operations. Powered by industry-leading FP and PSE silicon, our innovative IP and optical solutions enable customers to scale network and cloud infrastructure without compromising capabilities or performance.
  • Our advanced automation and intelligent analytics solutions help customers to automate multi-layer, multi-domain networks and optimize network performance. With our custom FP silicon and proven Service Router Operating System (SR OS), customers gain unique router-level security, encryption, and router-based protection against volumetric DDoS attacks.

To find out more, visit our website

Master the unexpected with Nokia’s new FP5 silicon


400G everywhere, no barriers, only possibilities


Data Center Network Operations (NetOps) Reimagined


Nokia SR Linux: Open, Extensible and Resilient NOS – presentation and demo


Nokia Intent-Based Automation with Fabric Services System – presentation and demo