Netdevops Survey: State of Network Operations Through Automation


Netdevops Survey: State of Network Operations Through Automation

Damien Garros, Network to Code

Network Automation has been a hot topic in the network industry for few years and yet we have very little data about the state of “network operations through automation" right now.

The goal of the Netdevops Survey is to collect information to understand how network operators and engineers are using automation to operate their network today. The survey is vendor neutral and is managed as an open source project on Github. All responses are anonymous and all results are public.

In October 2019, we collected ~300 responses from all types of network that gave us some unique insight regarding what network engineer are doing when to comes to network automation, what tools they are using and how they managed their journey to network automation. This was the second edition of the survey so this time we also have data to understand the evolution overtime.

This presentation first presents the results of the 2019 edition and shares the most interesting data. In a second part, I present the Netdevops Survey project, how to get involved, provide feedback and access the results

Netdevops Survey: State of Network Operations Through Automation (pdf)